If you live in Wisconsin are thinking about removing a Tattoo, you are probably a bit nervous, wondering what will happen to your skin once you have that ink removed. You may have made a hasty decision in the first place when you decided to mark your body with a tattoo and now you regret. Your circumstances may have changed and you don’t agree with the message on your body. You could be ready for a new career and you need to wipe the slate clean when it comes to your skin. Regardless of why you want to get rid of your tattoo, it is possible to eliminate the problem in a way that will protect your skin without being painful. Thanks to advances in technology, a laser can get the job done.
When you made the decision to get a tattoo, you may not have understood exactly what you were doing to your body. Tattoo ink is injected into the dermis, a layer of skin that is found beneath the epidermis, the upper layers of your skin. Your body looks at tattoo ink as a threat and will attempt to eliminate it. However, tattoo ink consists of particles that are too big. In the end, the ink is there to stay until you decide that it is time to get rid of it.
You have several options when you are considering Wisconsin Tattoo Removal. If your tattoo is very small and in an area that is discreet, you can consider having it cut out with a scalpel. This is going to leave a scar. You can also consider dermabrasion, a painful process that sands away the upper layers of your skin to remove the ink. Laser tattoo removal is the most promising form of tattoo removal and recommended for all size tattoos. There are various types of lasers that can be used for a tattoo removal procedure. The Astanza laser offers you one of the most comfortable alternatives.
When you choose the Astanza laser for your tattoo removal procedure, you’ll benefit from a device that is extremely specialized. The laser is directed at the site of your tattoo. Rapid, brief pulses of light break up the ink pigment in your skin and it will be absorbed by your body.
Getting a tattoo is quick. Within a few hours, you have a work of art on your body. You should think long and hard before you choose to have any permanent marks made on your skin because the removal process takes time. If you choose the Astanza laser that we use at Wisconsin Laser Center, be prepared for several visits to undergo treatments. No matter what type of method you choose, your skin will need to undergo a healing process. A tattoo will change your life. Be sure that it is truly something you are ready for and that you want for the right reasons. Be prepared for what to expect if you want your tattoo removed. When that day comes, make an appointment with us to benefit from the latest in Laser Tattoo Removal technologies.